My dream job
Hi welcome to my blog Today I will talk about my ideal job. I would like to have a job that can help small communities and / or people in need, I do not pretend to completely change the world, but to make small changes that can help and generate a positive impact on the people I would work with. The skills are needed in my opinion to do this job are to know how to recognize what is really needed and not just "fake" help that only works for a very very small period of time, to recognize the context and to know how to listen and identify the needs that are required to carry out projects that help. The truth is I don't know what the salary would be because I am not involved much in the working world that is close to my career, which is sociology, which helps me a lot with my purpose which is to get my ideal job, since it gives me tools to study social problems and generate changes. I don't think I can define at this moment what my ideal job would be or is wit...